mothers day

Happy Mother’s Day! And Thank You!

This is a post first to my goddess wife, second to my mom, third to my sisters and all the mom’s out there.

DAMMMNNN I am glad I don’t have to do what you do. It’s looks real hard. I’m not going to lie.

RESPECT. I know, I know nothing in ten weeks of being a dad.

But I have learned what a mom has to do her first ten weeks.

The amount of energy, time, patience, pain, and emotion to keep the baby clean, breastfed, entertained, stimulated, swaddled and smiling is tremendous.

Like a full time job. And not a 40 hour one, but one of those grueling wall street entry level jobs where you have to sleep under a desk and skip showers. Except in this job you get paid in baby coos, smiles and blowouts instead a six figure bonus.

I mean I think I would get a power trip of off sustaining a life. That would be enjoyable momentarily until the nipple pain, lack of mobility and lack of freedom wore off.

Now, I’m not saying I couldn’t do it, but I’m not saying I could. I am glad none of us have to find out the hard way. We can all be grateful for that.

I’ll just keep swaddling like a boss and make the baby dance like a puppet like I do.

And you, you just keep sustaining life, protecting life, nurturing life, educating life, cooking for life, and changing life’s diapers.

I mean I’ll change a few. Don’t get me wrong. A few extra today too.

I am saying I am grateful you are doing it because you have the incredible patience, the endurance and the strength to keep a human alive that’s only really able to suck, cry and poop, when it’s not sleeping or being cute for 5% of the day.

So. Thank you to my wife. A new heartfelt thank you to my mom, who now I have a new appreciation for. A tip of the hat to my sisters who make it look easy. A thank you to my mother-in-law, who was our biggest advocate in taking on these new roles as parents, and sorry we took soooo long to get here.


You my wife, my mom and all mothers out there, are the heroes keeping us as a species alive.

We wouldn’t be here without all that you do.

Thank you.