
My Kid’s Best Friend is Hand Sanitizer

No need to call the authorities. He doesn’t open it…at least yet, anyway.

He just sucks on the bottle. And holds it. The bottle still has the cap on.

I put on his pajamas, and have to switch the hands its in, or else…

Don’t judge, as I’m judging enough for the both of us.

I know the internet is full of stories of kids finding toys their parents didn’t intend.

But nothing could prepare me for the failure I feel as a parent for my child choosing and loving a non-standard toy.

Where did I steer him wrong? I don’t even SANITIZE! Is he rebelling?

It’s soothes him while we change him, and he wants it with him everywhere.


In other news…

He’s teething pretty good now with the slobber on 11 out of 10.

He’s got a mean army crawl, like he’s trying to make it back to base with his legs half-severed flailing wildly.

He can spin on a dime though. Like if he was breakdancing on his stomach, he’d win some awards.

Other highlights include:

  • He has friends at the local park, including a half french girl…ooh la la…little man has a strong flirt game and grab game…(but not that presidential type of grab game, you sick son of a…)
  • He is flexing hard in front of the car mirror we use to see him in the back seat, he’s got a routine that puts his dad’s to shame
  • Thanks to music class with his mom he can keep a beat, and suck on a mean drum
  • He goes straight for the vertical blinds now that he can move himself around
  • He was told in Whole Foods the other day he would be president, well yes of course he can suck on a drum, duh
  • He had his first ride in the actual grocery cart (not in the stroller) and proceeded to try and grab everything…new dad level unlocked with careful cart navigation
  • He’s constipated, so he gets prune juice now – he is mature beyond his years
  • He’s great at dropping stuff, so we pick it up
  • His mortal enemy is naps and if you combine taking away the hand sanitizer AND putting him down for a nap he pretty much explodes in sad rage that has pierces our souls and leaves us confused, powerless and guilty.

Now where did that hand sanitizer go…