baby constipation

Baby Poop :: Volume 4 – All Grunt No Poop

You know I didn’t think a lack of poops would be occasion for this baby poop saga, but turns out this shit is important…or lack there of.

Little man has been pooping rock hard spheres that takes all the grunts and time. You think he was giving birth.

As we watch him struggle we can’t help but think, what did we do to him?

The doctor recommended prune juice, but he didn’t really dig that.

So we started mixing the juice in his food which has yielded modest gains.

Next up we’re going straight up IV of prune puree straight to his jugular.

Well maybe that’s an exaggeration, but it breaks our heart to see the little man struggle.

Maybe we’ll try a vacuum cleaner to give him a little outside help.

Sorry that idea sucks. Ba-dum – ching!

(Looks who’s starting to own the dad jokes?!)

It’s just that I wish he was a regular baby. Ba-dum – ching!

(Dad joke abuse?!)

Speaking of struggle and abuse he’s popped his first tooth!

His normal faucet of drool has turned into tourist attraction level waterfall.

And in other struggle news, this warrants it’s own post, but STIFF BACK ARCHING / PLANKING while going into the stroller, car seat, or high chair, is requiring some higher level parenting voodoo to overcome. I’m even singing him the Barney song to calm him down.

He’s past the eight month mark now so he’s really good at pointing, and moving food around with his index finger.

The little guys is not quite grasping how to grasp food to his mouth, but seems to do it like a ninja with sticks and leaves at the park.

Other interests include dancing, clapping, reading and picking up old women in the grocery store with his smile.

Maybe they can give him some tips on improved fiber intake.